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The United States' passage of "The Safe Air Travel for Animals Act" has made travel much safer for pets.

The International Airline Transportation Association (IATA) governs international animal air transportation and work to make the skies safer for animals as well.

If you plan to fly internationally with your pet, please check out our "International Resource" pages that help prepare your pet for international travel and provide import guidelines for most countries.

If you are considering air travel for your pet, and need additional guidance, then please visit our "Traveling Pet Checklist" pages that provide recommendations for making your pet more comfortable.

Each airline has different requirements for transporting pets and their policies change regularly. Please visit our airlines page for more information. Our information is meant as a guideline. We suggest that after you read through each airline's written policy to follow up with a telephone call to one of their agents. They are generally well equipped to address any specific questions you might have.  The best airlines are those who clearly state, in writing, their pet transportation policies.